Thursday, 29 January 2015

Ikea #1 | The Office

*This blog post is the first in a series of eight*
I have to admit I wasn’t sure if this post was very blog-worthy - a post about all of the things we have from Ikea, in each room of our house. But then, a few days ago I changed my mind, and decided I was going to just do it!

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Hanging a Gallery Wall

About eight years ago I made a gallery wall of family photos at the end of our kitchen. It’s still there, and come to think of it so are the pictures… note to self - must hunt out some new photos!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Hot Chocolate from the Slopes

Alas, Christmas has been and gone, but before I pack up the fairy lights and head into a slightly healthier 2015 (I’ve still lots of leftover Christmas treats to get though first though!) I have one more indulgent recipe. This time for thick, scrumptious, hot chocolate. Perfect for this wet and windy New Year’s Day. Happy New Year by the way!

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