Thursday 31 August 2017

Ode to Summer | Star Jumps

Ode to Summer

I'm not great with endings. Thankfully David is the opposite. Change, in his opinion, usually signals growth and new beginnings. It's good having someone in the house who thinks like that.

When Callum finished Montessori in June I was feeling lots of emotions but mostly sad; something that had played such a big part in his life over the past three years was coming to an end. I hoped the next chapter for him would be a positive one. Starting primary school was a major milestone. Would he like it? Would he be happy? Would he make friends? Would he like everyone? Would everyone like him??

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles but most of them never happened" - Mark Twain

Sunday 27 August 2017

White Chocolate & Peanut Blondies

Usually blondies have a sweet vanilla flavour. For us though, we prefer ours with a peanuty crunch and white chocolate chunks. 

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