Monday, 21 September 2015

Weekend Web

'Weekend Web' is a regular Monday update on the blog with links to a variety of things I've come across on the Web from the weekend that I've found helpful, interesting or that I just loved!

This was what I got to tuck into to this weekend...

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Mindful Mama

At the beginning of the year, I wrote the following article 'Mindful Mama' for Parent Trap the parenting section on the Xposé website. I didn't post it on my own blog at the time (I'm not really sure why to be honest - maybe I was too busy being mindful!). However, as it relates to an upcoming post 'Mindfulness with Children' I'm going to post it now.


I can’t believe it’s already 2015. For me 2014 went by particularly fast, I secretly think our three boys have a fast forward button for time though - after each new arrival it seems to speed up even more!

Monday, 7 September 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Thai Red Curry | Family Friendly Food

This might seem like an usual recipe for Family Friendly Food! However, because the whole family loves this dish - yep, even the little ones - I've decided to post the recipe. It's packed full of goodness and so easy to make. You can easily adjust the heat in this dish with the amount of curry paste you add, so when my boys are eating it I make sure it's mild by only adding a small amount.

I would love to be able to say that my kids love vegetables but, well, like most other kids they don't really. There is often either a whinge about them at meal times or else they spend half of the meal on a mission trying to fish them out. This dish is different though. Maybe it's the colours (or the novelty of having tiny, baby corn in there!) but they actually eat most of them in this recipe. If you do try this family-friendly meal I hope the same happens for you!

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