Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Weekend Web

I hope you had a great extra long weekend? We spent Easter Sunday in Sea Lodge with my Mum & Dad, where Callum & Alex amused themselves catching dinosaurs with Gogi (the graveyard seemed to be the best spot), hunting for Easter eggs and searching for lots other fascinating things to do at the house!

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Negroni | Weekend Cocktail

**This year instead of cutting back on things with my New Year's resolutions some of them involved taking up something new. One of those was cocktails! I decided I was going to make one or two on a Friday or Saturday, not every week but when we were at home with no weekend plans and wanted to swap our usual wine or craft beer for something a little different. Here's cocktail #3...

Of all the cocktails I've ever had over the years (which isn't very many to be honest, see above ^ !) this is by far my favourite. Negroni. The ultimate Italian cocktail invented in Florence in the 1920s. It's bitter and sweet, tangy and tart; the flavours are wildly varied and that's what I love!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Monday, 14 March 2016

Mougins Musings

Last year my Mum needed chemo and radiotherapy. It was a difficult time for everyone, especially her. But she never complained. Not once. About anything. She is amazing and strong and we all love her so much. In September, when the treatment was finished and we realised that everything was going to be ok we all went on a holiday. To beautiful Mougins...

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Sweet Potato Soup | Family Food

This is the best 'under the weather' soup! 

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