Monday, 31 October 2016

Weekend Web

Happy Halloween!

It's almost time for us to head out and collect as many treats from the neighbours as possible. I have a feeling the Vampire, Bat and Zombie are going to do well this year with their hoard!

On a different topic, here are some of the things that stood out for me on the web this week.

Current affairs

Twitter is shutting down Vine - the 6 second continuous looped video. But before they go here's one I can't stop LoLing at!


Anybody else want a stove? And a fireplace? And a whole new sitting room?! Here's some delightful pins...


Delicious winter food offerings.

This was a birthday present for my Mum that I took a sneak peak at before I gave it to her. It was very hard to put down! Not just a cookbook, a story of an old house, a pop up restaurant; and life with a big family in beautiful Medoc. FRENCH COUNTRY COOKING. MEALS AND MOMENTS from A VILLAGE IN THE VINEYARDS.


Music therapy for children.

Healthy living

Want to live a healthier life? Here's what GP's advise.

We're big fans of Yogi Bedtime Tea. Here a bit more about ayurvedic herbs.


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