Sunday, 19 May 2019

When the Feel of a Room Becomes More Important Than the Look

I started a blog post titled 'Hygge home | Sitting room' quite a while ago. The date on the draft is the 11/05/17. Now, over two years later I'm ready to finish it.

As I scrolled through the draft folder on Maison Jen I saw 28 drafts written but unpublished between 2017 - 2018. In 2017 the content dropped by half, I went from writing four posts a month to only two, and by the end of 2018 I wrote just nine posts over the entire year, less than one a month. I used to get such joy and satisfaction from writing my blog; I loved sitting down, opening the laptop and writing about the things I love - from documenting a recipe to spray painting interior door handles, or remembering the many emotions of my boys first day of school. Finding that post 'Hygge home | Sitting room' and deciding to finish it will hopefully be the start of that love affair again. :-)

Hygge home | Sitting room

I should start by saying that the look of a room has always been hugely important to me. Flipping though interiors magazines, rambling though shops filled with sofas, picture frames and lamps, adorning my make believe 'big' house with images from Pinterest - this is my idea of Heaven. But as I read over the draft this post was going somewhere beyond that. I was making sure the cosiness of the room, and the importance of having a space that felt like a pause button for busy days, was addressed too.

Back in May 2017 I bought two armchairs which is why, I assume, I started the draft. I can't be certain, it's been a long time, but it would make sense that I was going to write about them, hoping to let anyone who was interested enough to read in on the plans to make the retweaked sitting room feel comfortable and cosy and 'Hygge'.

I think since that day I've been subconsciously designing a sitting room that would 'mind' me. That would wrap me up in the evenings after a long day of trying so hard (and probably - with kids involved - getting little done), that would hug me if I'd had a rough day and hand me a book, or turn on Netflix and start a fire - if sitting rooms could do that I know this one would.

This is a winter room. This is a room made for hibernating. I'm not sure how it's going to fare yet in summer, it might be hardly used, I'll have to wait and see. I have a feeling though it will always be a room for sanctuary and get-togethers no matter what time of year. I've only really finished it properly in the last few months. Buying cushion after cushion, trying throw after throw - I've bought and returned six but in the end I ended up with three. And what I've learnt (two armchairs, a pile of cushions, various accessories and six throws later) is that the feel of a room is always so much more important than the look. I feel this room is right, I feel it's the right room for our family, I feel that this will be a perfect place to set us up and wrap us up for the next few years - before I redo it all over again.

I'm an interiors enthusiast (even when I'm watching TV), the living rooms of 'Gilmore Girls' and 'It's Complicated' come to mind as places I probably subconsciously tried to replicate.

It's Complicated - Image Source
It's Complicated - Image Source
It's not exactly the same of course, and the room is certainly not as well styled as the movie (with its beautiful rustic French armoire), but I hope it has a similar charm and feel. 

Gilmore Girls - Image source
It's grey and cream and herringbone; with plump feathery cushions, merino wool and cashmere. The last thing it needs is a rustic wood floor but that's still to be ticked. Ski lodge style comes to mind but it obvioulsly - with our climate - will never be that so I'm fine with hygge. It's a great spot for a family movie night in front of the fire with it's big comfy cosy couch, plenty of flickering candles, surrounded by photos of family. Thinking back to a time before I started this post I'm sure I wanted a 'wow' room to impress but I'm glad, 19 months later, to be able to finish this post with a lot more understanding of what my retweaked sitting room should be.

(Photos to follow!)


  1. Feel is always more important than looks - I hate rooms that only look beautiful but feel stifling and make you uncomfortable just being in them.

    Michelle @ Easy Home Concepts

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