Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Maison Jen Makeover

About two months ago, on cue, as the daffodils started to bloom and the light changed from a winter blue to a summer glow I got that urge, like I usually do around this time of year, to smarten things up - the house, the garden, even the kids! The blog needed a bit of a spring clean too, but like a lot of things these days that took a little while to get around to.

I started the ball rolling in February for a new and improved blog. I had a few ideas regarding a new layout and more content. I got the IT department involved - a.k.a. David - and waited patiently (sort of) until he could fit my 'blog upgrade' into his schedule.

By summer, a little later than intended, I had exactly what I wanted - thanks David!

The home page now includes pictures from my Instagram account - where I mainly take photos of food (and sometimes my boys!), Pinterest - where I pin a range of things from inspiring quotes to my dream home, Facebook - where I post blog updates and also current events, and now a subscribe button where you can Subscribe to Maison Jen if you wish, and get notified by email anytime there is a new post.

I'm so delighted it's finally up and running! I hope you like the new look.

Jen x

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