Monday, 6 July 2015

Loved from the web

What did you get up to this weekend? Ours was jam-packed but great fun!

Port Summer Carnival, Dun Laoghaire | Saturday

On Thursday, we started the weekend early with a drink (or two) in The Bridge 1859 before dinner to celebrate our Anniversary in the Tavern Restaurant at the Dylan.

The food was amazing...

I'd definitely recommend a visit!

Image source

On Friday Ross had a football party with 10 of his friends (...and Callum, who had his own little match in the middle of it all!). I can't believe my baby will be 9 this week!

The next day we decided to check out the 'Port Summer Carnival' in Dun Laoghaire harbour before a walk and some fish and chips on the pier.

Followed by the mandatory Teddy's for dessert, and a play in the playground on the harbour, before it was time to pack everyone back into the car and head home.

And finally, a few things I found - and loved - from the web this week...



The 8 things everyone should do first thing in the morning - interesting and inspiring!

A week of challenges to help you detach from your phone and spend more time thinking creatively.


The 23 year old Dubliner who won the San Pellegrino Young Chef 2015.


This year is the Irish Year of Design 2015 - find lots of free design workshops to do with the little ones here.

Brown Thomas celebrates Create 2015 this month, showcasing 50 Irish Designers in their stores. Doesn't the branding look great?! ;-)

I love...

This brilliant app that allows you to read any book in their library in 15 minutes or less.

This technically isn't from the web, but.. I watched the very last film James Gandolfini made (RIP), and really enjoyed it. And (FYI) Eve Hewson (Bono's daughter) plays his daughter Tess!


This Maths website Ross works on every morning for 15 minutes during the summer holidays - he actually likes it!

The couple who decided to slow down and take a year out to spend time with their children while travelling the world by going on a 'family gap year'.

And finally...

This is why Moms get nothing done!

Have a great week x


  1. Aren't summer hols the best :-) We love Dun Laoghaire too and are hoping to make it to the festival this week, we were at Howth the other day, another favourite spot for a ramble. Another fab maths website is, the kids can play live with other kids around the world or do their own timed tasks and then see how they are doing on the world or country table, it's brill :-)

    1. Thanks so much Alice. Will check that website out now! I love that it's the summer holidays too. We've had lots of great day trips so far. And now that you mention it next stop will hopefully be Howth! :-) X x


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