Monday, 31 August 2015

Weekend Web

'Weekend Web' is a regular Monday update on the blog with links to a variety of things I've come across on the Web over the weekend that I've found helpful, interesting or that I just loved!

It's the last weekend of Summer holidays for us.

Just as we were falling into the rhythm of unstructured leisurely days it's now time to get everyone organised again - back to routine and 'Back to School'!

I spent most of the last two days trying to tie up all the loose ends on piles of jobs I thought I would get to do over the Summer, but didn't! Does that happen to anyone else or is it just me??

In between, I managed to get to Dunne & Crescenzi on South Fredrick Street for black risotto with Doran's king prawns, crunchy leeks, squid ink and fennel. Order it next time you're there, it's devine!

I also found out that Maison Jen made the long list for The Blog Awards Ireland 2015. There are a few more stages to get through before the finals in October but I was over the moon that the blog has made it this far.

Hope you had a great weekend? Here are a few fun links I loved from the from web.



The brilliant new app launched this month that stores your loyalty cards. No more time-wasting at tills fumbling in your wallet while asking "It's a black card isn't it?"!

Another great new app, Deliveroo picks up your favourite food order from a selection of city centre restaurants and delivers to your door. A perfect date night option if your babysitter cancels and you can't face another take away curry. (Not available in every Dublin location just yet).

Loved these...

Bono makes an impersonator's dream come true when he brings him on stage during a live gig to perform. Twins! And dare I say it, a little emotive... for me anyway!

This adorable four year old runs onto the pitch during an Australian rugby match. Watch what happens.

This brilliant book by Irish author Liz Nugent that I couldn't put down.


I can't decide if this cat is really cute or really cunning.


Really looking forward to tucking into lots of Autumn foods like this one...


Love this idea! Start your own #The100DayProject. Choose a new task or something that you'll perform every day for 100 days, post on Instagram, follow other people's progress, have fun, learn something new, the possibilities are endless..!

Best of luck to everyone starting the new school year. Have a great one!

Jen x


  1. Congrats on your blog nomination, will keep my fingers crossed for you! Isn't the first week back at school just the worst!?! Trying to get my 3 boys back into a routine was "challenging"!!

    1. Thanks a million! Hopefully it will make it to the next stage!! X


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